Hearing Aids

Hearing Aid Styles

Hearing aids aren't one-size-fits-all. Each style caters to unique preferences and hearing needs. Let's explore the six main hearing aid styles: Invisible-in-Canal (IIC): IIC hearing aids are the tiniest and most discreet option available. They are custom-made to fit deep within the ear canal and are virtually invisible when worn. They are suitable for mild to moderate hearing loss. Completely-in-Canal (CIC): CIC hearing aids are the smallest and most discreet style, designed to fit entirely...

Hearing Aid Fitting

Personalized Solutions for Your Unique Hearing Needs At Alta View Audiology, we understand that your hearing needs are as unique as you are. We don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach because we know that each hearing difficulty requires a tailored solution. Let's explore your individual listening lifestyle and how it can impact your hearing care. Second-Opinion Clinic: Your Hearing, Your Way Sometimes, the best solution is optimizing what you already have. That's why we offer...

Hearing Aid Accessories

Enhance Your Communication With Bluetooth streaming from your various devices to your hearing aids and captioned phones that display your phone conversation as text on a screen, your communication can be helped significantly. Some people who experienced natural hearing earlier in life might wonder why they never had such things when they were hearing well. If you need a little extra help to make sure you never miss another wake-up alarm, or if you are...

Hearing Aid Repairs

Despite your diligent care and routine maintenance, the wear and tear of time inevitably affects all technology, including your cherished hearing aids. If you're facing a situation where your hearing aids are showing signs of wear, worry not – there are several common hearing aid repairs you can attempt to breathe new life into your devices. Consider these convenient fixes: Swap Out the Battery: Sometimes, all it takes is a fresh battery to revitalize your...

Financing Options

Affordable Hearing Care and Financing Options That Fit Your Budget Your investment in better hearing is a time-intensive process that, when all is said and done, benefits your quality of life in ways that you may not have experienced in years. You may not hear better overnight, but by retraining your ears and brain to process sounds that it hasn’t heard in years — a process we can help you with at Alta View Audiology...